Center Student Directory

The Directory is for Center families only, as a way to share information about classmates to make planning playdates and birthday parties easier.

We do not get this information from the school so you MUST opt-in and provide your contact information to the CSPTO to be included.

We use an online platform called DirectorySpot and your details are only available to Center families. You can download it from the App Store or Google Play or visit

Here's how to get started:
1). Opt in (returning famlies must re opt-in every year) 
2) Get the DirectorySpot app or enroll at
3) Search for Center School and voila, you're in!

Printed copies available by request at [email protected]

NOTE: Once the initial opt-in period is closed we will do our best to continue to add people. Directory Opt-in/out & Access Requests  will be handled as volunteers are able, and may take up to a week to process.